MIPS deadlock bug fix

Edouard G. Parmelan Edouard.Parmelan at quadratec.fr
Wed Jan 10 04:04:47 PST 2001

Slegers, Walter wrote:

> I known my MIPS manual by hart. Unfortunately, an original R3000
> processor core has no instructions to provide an atomic exchange or
> an atomic compare and exchange. I there were, I definitely would have
> used that as that seemed to be the proper action. Maybe an R4000
> (which has a store conditional instruction) might be able to do this,
> but on an R3000 you are really out of luck. If I hadn't used the
> "jthread_suspendall" call then I would have to switch to kernel mode
> to disable interrupts....

Could you review my COMPARE_AND_EXCHANGE for MIPS II before I commit it,
I'm learning MIPS assembly :-)

 * Do an atomic compare and exchange.  The address 'A' is checked against  
 * value 'O' and if they match it's exchanged with value 'N'.
 * We return '1' if the exchange is sucessful, otherwise 0.
/* Note that this version use MIPS II ll/sc instructions */
({						\
	unsigned int tmp, ret;			\
	asm volatile(				\
	"	.set	noreorder\n"		\
	"	.set	mips2\n"		\
	"	li	%1, 0\n"		\
	"1:	ll	%0, %3\n"		\
	"	bne	%0, %4, 2f\n"		\
	"	move	%0, %5\n"		\
	"	sc	%0, %2\n"		\
	"	beqz	%0, 1b\n"		\
	"	li	%1, 1\n"		\
	"2:	.set	mips0\n"		\
	"	.set	reorder\n"		\
	: "=&r" (tmp), "=r" (ret), "=m" (*(A))	\
	: "m" (*(A)), "r" (O), "r" (N)		\
	: "memory");				\
	ret;					\
Edouard G. Parmelan

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