compile error of javac

Patrick Tullmann tullmann at
Mon Sep 4 19:42:58 PDT 2000

Okehee Goh wrote:
> Is there anyone who has an idea about how to fix it?

Make sure your CLASSPATH doesn't have any of Sun's stuff in it.  (Best 
to just leave it completely undefined, Kaffe will figure out where its 
libraries are.)

Make sure 'kaffe -version' works.  Best to use a fully qualified path
to the installed Kaffe executable.

Then try a simple bit of Java code: 'kaffe at.dms.kjc.Main -h'.  (That
should print out kjc's help information.)  If that works, then it can
execute at least some Java code.  If not, please run Kaffe under GDB
and get a backtrace: 'env KAFFE_DEBUG=gdb kaffe at.dms.kjc.Main -h'


----- ----- ---- ---  ---  --   -    -      -         -               -
Pat Tullmann                                       tullmann at
		Your research fills a much needed gap.

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