Kaffe/Alpha - bug fix ? finally?

abnay at altavista.com abnay at altavista.com
Tue Oct 10 10:11:06 PDT 2000

On Mon, 09 October 2000, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> It's good to hear that your assertion failure was fixed,
> but your fix sortof doesn't make sense. "osize" is the
> correct thing to copy there, because the original memory
> region presumably was only "osize" bytes long.

Pardon me if I am being dumb. Trying to debug the
assertion failure was my first brush with Kaffe sources. Could you take a minute to straighten out
the following understanding of mine of the gcRealloc()

The purpose of the function is to reallocate
memory, 'mem', to size 'size'. It checks if the
current size of 'mem', 'osize', is >= 'size' + some
additional chunk. If it is, it means that 'mem'
can hold chunk of size 'size' and hence it need
not reallocate. If 'osize' is < 'size' + sizeof
(gc_unit), it has to reallocate memory to the 
requested size, 'size' and not 'osize'. 

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