incremental gc

Philippe Laporte philippe at
Tue Nov 7 11:36:49 PST 2000

     Concurrent incremental gc is in development and should be integrated
in the near future. In kaffe 1.0.6, it is mem2.

Philippe Laporte
Optimization Engineer                 Tel:     (510) 527-4025 ext 14
Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.,      Fax:     (510) 559-3287
Berkeley, CA, USA.                    Email:   philippe at

Fang Wei Jian wrote:

> Until now, there is no incremental gc implementation in kaffe.
> Incremental gc is of necessity to provide a non-disruptive java program
> execution, especially when working in a real-time or interactive
> environment. Is there any plan to implement incremental gc in kaffe?
> fwj
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