Small class file with loop from assembler gives odd behavior

Godmar Back
Sun, 5 Mar 2000 21:58:55 -0700 (MST)

 Run it under gdb ("setenv KAFFE_DEBUG gdb; kaffe Main")
and tell us what the backtrace says.  Probably some assumption about the
way in which classfiles are constructed that's biting us.

	- Godmar

> --qjSZefE6w0iW6XmQ
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> [ I have tried to send in this bug report but it bounced. ]
> I am generating Jasmin assembler files that are being compiled with Jasmin,
> and then run in the VM.  I had been using the Blackdown proprietary VM, but
> wanted to switch to kaffe.  I found that kaffe did not work when I had an
> assembler file such as this:
> .source Main.jasmin
> .class public Main
> .super java/lang/Object
> .method static public main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>         iconst_1
> 	Start_0:
> 	ifne End_1
> 	goto Start_0
> 	End_1:
> 	return
> .end method
> I have attached the .class file that jasmin generates.  As far as I can tell
> from the jasmin source, and from using "javap -c" with Blackdown's VM, this
> should simply return without error.
> In Kaffe 1.0.5 (and in a CVS checkout version from Sat. 4 March 2000) in
> both JIT and interp compiles, I get:
> Exception thrown on null object ... aborting
> Abort
> Any ideas would be helpful.  I would very much prefer to switch to a free
> software VM.
> Theoretically, this could be a bug in Jasmin, but since this file works
> without fail in the Blackdown port, I think there is something else going
> on.
> -- 
>          -  -  Bradley M. Kuhn  -  -
> --qjSZefE6w0iW6XmQ
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
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> =hHtX
> --qjSZefE6w0iW6XmQ--