[Re: [Re: [Re: Errors encountered in compiling Java Tutorial example]]]

Archie Cobbs archie at whistle.com
Thu Nov 4 12:50:42 PST 1999

me writes:
> Great, the documentation is not apparent about explicitly specifying *every*
> .JAR that's needed.  Perhaps this is asking way too much, but why can't a
> directory(s) be specified which can then be parsed for the referenced .JARs ? 
> Hasn't this been the case with the C/C++ compilers for specifying INCLUDES &
> LIBS ??

This is easy to do with kaffe using the .kafferc feature (see man page).
Here's mine, for example:


  # Add installed *.zip and *.jar to CLASSPATH

  AUTOZIPJAR=`find ${KAFFE_CLASSDIR} \( -name '*.jar' -o -name '*.zip' \) -a \! -name Klasses.jar -a \! -name pizza.jar -a \! -name classes.zip | awk '{ printf ":%s", $1 }'`



Archie Cobbs   *   Whistle Communications, Inc.  *   http://www.whistle.com

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