AWT : Automatic call to System.exit(0)

Peter Mehlitz peter at
Fri Jun 18 00:10:54 PDT 1999

Rodrigo Senra wrote:
> All right. But isn't Kaffe's goal to behave like other JVM behave
> specially Sun JVM

The goal is to stay within the specs, not to mimic implementation behavior in
each and every (changeable) aspect.

But I'm not religious about the AutoStop default value. We can change that to
false. Defaults is meant to be overridable (that's why it is kept so simple).

No, I don't think it makes sense to turn this into properties (remember that I
had a much more sophisticated mech in BISS-AWT?). The point is that we often
don't even have file systems, but we always have classes (and I hate adding
complexity without a cause). Commandline properties don't really help if you
look at the number of things which can be changed (colors etc.).

-- Peter

 Peter Mehlitz                         Tel:     +1 510 704 1527
 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.,      Fax:     +1 510 704 1893           Email:   peter at

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