Encoding ISO-8859-1 ?

Godmar Back gback at cs.utah.edu
Tue Dec 15 16:32:19 PST 1998

> [15/11/1998 16:16:04:441] (ERROR) ajp11: Servlet Error: java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException: ISO-8859-1: ISO-8859-1
> Hi, 
> I am trying to use Kaffe with Apache-JServ and I am getting the above error
> when I try to access the example/Hello page.
> Wondering if anyone has seen this problem and if they have a fix.

 The name of the encoding as provided by Kaffe is 8859_1, not ISO-8859-1.

If your stuff works with Sun's JDK, we'll of course fix Kaffe.
This would be done by subclassing kaffe.io.ByteToCharConverter and
kaffe.io.CharToByteConverter in the same manner as it's already done
for 8859_1.  Alternatively, we might introduce a list of aliases.

If your stuff doesn't work with Sun's JDK, then the name of the
encoding may be your problem.  Maybe a configure file would have
to be changed in that case?

	- Godmar

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