Kaffe 1.0b3 performances...

David Smith dsmith at algonet.se
Sat Dec 12 11:37:10 PST 1998

Charles-Edouard Ruault wrote:
> i've just downloaded & compiled kaffe 1.0b3 on Linux & Nt and i've run
> a
> few benchmarks on NT.
> I found that kaffe is slower than sun's jdk 1.1.7 & 1.2 and microsoft
> jview 3.1.
> Does that confirm what other have found or did i do something wrong ?

I guess you're using Cygnus B19 on NT?  I've always had a feeling that
it is Cygnus that is slow and not so much Kaffe.  I tried to compile
Kaffe with MSVC (on Win95), and it seemed to go a lot faster (I never
got it running properly though, so I'm not sure).  But as I said, this
is just a feeling I have, so don't quote me on it...

David Smith

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