bug report in String.hashCode()

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at hol.fr
Wed Aug 5 03:52:35 PDT 1998

the code of String.hashCode() (in
librairies/javalib/java/lang/String.java) is not correct (1 character
string always return a hash value of 0).
it seems that :
- for string < 15 characters, the first character is never used in
computing hash value

Please find enclosed a diff -u that should solve this issue (the code
should behave the same as in kaffe/kaffevm/string.c (hashUtf8String()
for hashing Utf8 strings)

+++ String.java Wed Aug  5 08:12:37 1998
--- String.java.orig    Wed Aug  5 08:13:21 1998
@@ -227,12 +227,12 @@
        int hash = 0;

        if ( count <= 15 ) {
-               for ( i=offset+1; i<n; i++ )
+               for ( i=offset; i<n; i++ )
                        hash = (37 * hash) + value[i];
        else {
                int skip = count / 8;
-               for ( i=offset+skip; i<n; i+=skip )
+               for ( i=offset+skip-1; i<n; i+=skip )
                        hash = (39 * hash) + value[i];
        return hash;

Eric Pouech (eric.pouech at lemel.fr)

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