
Michael Thomas mike at
Wed Apr 1 17:31:57 PST 1998

Alexandre Oliva writes:
 > Bertrand Guiheneuf writes:

 > > What if Linus Torvald decided to stop distribute Linux freely? 
 > Godzillions of people would keep the free development of Linux.  No
 > one can stop them from starting from the last Free release of Linux,
 > just like no one can stop a commercial company from using Kaffe 0.9.2
 > in a non-free project.  But this same company cannot use Kaffe 0.10.0, 
 > nor the forthcoming Kaffe 1.0.

   I'm somewhat confused here (and who isn't from
time to time about the GPL). I sort of thought
that the GPL doesn't allow for a person to take
back something that has been GPL'd and create
"proprietary" versions of it. That once it's been
GPL'd, that if you improve the base, you must
release that code back to the world (well, make
it freely available). I know that differences are
made for using "components", ie that if I use a
GPL'd component (usually a library), it doesn't
taint the entire piece of software. 
   But this situation sounds fundamentally like
taking the GPL'd software, modifying it to make
it better and not releasing the sources for it,
which I've always understood to be a no-no. Is
there something I'm missing here?
Michael Thomas	(mike at
        "I dunno, that's an awful lot of money."

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