
Bertrand Guiheneuf Bertrand.Guiheneuf at
Wed Apr 1 05:55:48 PST 1998

My point is the following:

Including freeware as part of a business strategy is a good thing. Troll tech
follows this idea with their Qt lib. All seems clean. Everybody knows that
Qt is not free from the beginning. 

The situation with kaffe is different.
I felt like abused when Transvirtual
announced, after 2 years of freeware developpement, that kaffe would stop
to be a freeware. The problem would have been completely different if the
situatiuon had be clear from the beginning. Remember, the www site was, not

What if Linus Torvald decided to stop distribute Linux freely? 
A lot of companies and public institutes decided to buy PC's because 
Linux was freeware.

Changing a license "on the fly" is the best way to
make sure of a wide-spread diffusion of a software. But it's not fair.

There is nothing more to argue.



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