[FINALLY] Kaffe 0.9.2 released.

Mark Huizer xaa at stack.nl
Sun Oct 5 09:59:23 PDT 1997

>                 *** Kaffe is now JDK 1.1.2 compliant ***
>  * Kaffe is now JDK 1.1.3 compliant !

Nice :)

What's the status of the BISS AWT classes by now? I missed out a few
weeks, so there's the lack of knowledge. Is it possible to run graphical
stuff a bit better by now?
- Mark Huizer  - xaa at stack.nl     - rcbamh at urc.tue.nl                   -
- Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should	-
- on no account be allowed to do the job (The Hitchhikers Guide)	-

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